What Nutritional Supplements Do You Need?
Nutritional supplements are sometimes neccessary as a part of your diet to get the vitamins and minerals you need. My doctor recommended a multi-vitamin and several supplements for me to take to help me with my nutritional needs.
My middle son was born with hydrocephalus, fluid on the brain. The doctor advised it was most likely due to lack of folic acid during pregnancy. I guess the banana splits were not enough to give my body what it needed. When I was pregnant with my third child, the doctor recommended a folic acid supplement.
Below are some of the supplements my doctor recommended and how they benefit your body.
Vitamin C
- humans don't have the ability to make vitamin C
- your body does not store vitamin C
- excess vitmain C is expelled through urine
- vitmain C is necessary to prevent scurvy
- needed for strong bone and teeth
- the RDA is 1000mg for women age 19 to 50
- lack of calcium can cause osteoporosis - porous, fragile bones
Vitamin B-6
- necessary for nervous and immune system to function properly
- recommended for depression associated with PMS and PMDD
- alcohol promotes destruction and loss of B-6 from the body
- needed to carry oxygen from our lungs to cells, muscles & organs
- women are at risk of being iron deficient during menstruation
- iron deficiency can cause anemia
- to much iron can poison the blood
Folic Acid (Folate)
- women are usually given supplements with folic acid when pregnant
- lack of folate during pregnancy when baby is growing and forming can cause birth defects
- women who use oral contraceptives may also need extra folate
- folic acid is important for making blood and building cells
The FDA regulates supplements but differently than food, prescription or over the counter drug. In accordance to the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), the manufacturer of dietary supplements is responsible for making sure that a dietary supplement is safe before it is marketed.
The manufacturer is responsible for making sure the information on their label is truthful.
Check with your doctor to see what nutritional supplements might be needed to compliment your diet. The doctor can best determine, based on blood test and information he gathers from you, your personal needs when it comes to supplements.
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